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Fighting A Threatened Foreclosure

Wrongful Death Lawyers As our wrongful death lawyers know, losing a loved one unexpectedly due to someone else’s negligence is a life altering experience. As you grieve, the last thing you want to worry about is also losing your home. Receiving past-due notices and phone calls from your mortgage company can be overwhelming. If you […]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Representing Yourself

Personal Injury What are the pros and cons of handling your own case? This is a question that attorneys have heard from potential personal injury clients on numerous occasions over the years. If someone is asking this question, it may be in their best interest to discuss their situation with a personal injury lawyer that […]

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Help When Injured After A Car Accident

On Christmas Eve, 3 people were injured around 9:30 am in a car accident in Des Moines, Iowa. A woman driving an SUV was headed north, crossed over the median, and hit another SUV, severely injuring a man and a woman. Currently, police are investigating what caused the accident, whether negligence was involved, and whether […]

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7 Common Causes Of Car Accidents

Car Accident Lawyer According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are more than 6 million car accidents every year in the United States. That’s an average of 16,000 accidents per day! While most of these accidents are minor fender-benders, around 1.3 million people are injured, and over 37,000 people are killed annually as […]

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4 Personal Injury Elements That Must Be Met

With every personal injury claim, there are certain elements that have to be met. Once all these elements are met, and the jury is convinced that they are met, then the plaintiff is likely to be given compensation for the injuries and damages that they suffered. These elements are referred to as duty, breach of […]

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Common Causes Of Slip And Fall Accidents In Grocery Stores

Slip and Fall Lawyer Grocery stores are one of the most common places where slip and fall accidents occur. These accidents can cause serious injuries and require an emergency room visit and as a top-rated personal injury lawyer from Wandres Law, P.C. explains, they usually happen when store managers or employers are careless in some […]

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Find Legal Help After A Car Accident

On October 19, 2022, around 6:30 in the morning, a passenger car and an SUV collided, rolling the SUV on its side. This particular scenario can be especially dangerous for the driver and passengers involved. Subsequently, the driver of the SUV was unable to get out of the car and emergency responders needed to remove […]

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Take Action After A Motorcycle Accident

As a motorcycle rider, you know that being on the road can be dangerous. Unlike cars and trucks, you are not in a metal box or frame that has airbags in different directions that can protect you should another vehicle run into you. Instead, you are left with a helmet, a small amount of safety […]

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How A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Motorcycle Lawyers Motorcycle accident lawyers are a great source of information when it comes to accidents involving motorcycles. Motorcycle accidents can have significant damages inflicted to both motorcycle and the other vehicle(s) involved in the crash. Bodily injuries will range from minor to severe in these accidents too and in some of these cases, fatalities. […]

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Types of Compensation Are Available After A Personal Injury Case

When you’re harmed due to another person’s negligence or even malicious intent, then you may have a personal injury case. Following a personal injury case, you can be eligible for certain types of compensation. Unfortunately, insurance companies like to take advantage of victims by offering a settlement that doesn’t accurately reflect the compensation they’re eligible […]

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