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4 Ways To Take Charge Of Your Health and Minimize Risk of Medical Malpractice

Posted March 19, 2020 in Uncategorized

4 Ways To Take Charge Of Your Health and Minimize Risk of Medical Malpractice

As we are growing up, most of us learn to view doctors as the final authority and person we can trust to always know the answers. However, doctors are still just people too, and despite having the education and experience, they can make mistakes when it comes to their patients. Medical malpractice can occur if the doctor makes an error and then the patient is harmed because of it. That is why it is important to take control of your own health before needing the help of a medical malpractice lawyer. Here we discuss four ways that you can help minimize the risk of medical malpractice happening to you: 

#1 Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

Many doctors in today’s world are overworked, and only have a certain amount of time with each patient. However, that doesn’t mean that your appointment should be rushed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, whether that be in-person or later that day through email. You have the right to ask your doctor questions about symptoms, tests, diagnosis, etc. If you need them to clarify something, pick up the phone and give them a call. You do not have to wait until your next appointment with them to have your inquiries answered. 

#2 Don’t Be Shy To Answer Lifestyle Questions

Your doctor isn’t there to judge you about your lifestyle or symptoms. Doctors must have relevant details in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis about what is going on in your body. Tell your doctor about health risks, any illnesses that run in your family, your lifestyle, how often you actually exercise, whether you smoke, and all the prescription medications that you use. Essentially, don’t hold back out of fear of judgement, as by leaving out specific information it could impact your doctor’s ability to arrive at the right diagnosis. 

#3 Do Your Own Homework

By doing your own homework this means accessing reliable and quality medical information through dependable sources online and in libraries. Be wary that much of the information you may find online is probably incorrect, as virtually anyone can post on the interweb. Simply entering your symptoms into a search engine is likely to just cause fear and anxiety, without getting the actual medical information you need. Always check your resources and who wrote any medical articles you read. It may be best to get a second opinion from another doctor as a way to find out whether your doctor has arrived at the correct diagnosis or not.

#4 Trust What Your Gut Is Saying

Let’s say that you have no observable reason to question your doctor, but something just doesn’t feel right about the situation. Trust your gut to notify your doctor if you have concerns about the treatment plan or are feeling worse. Also, don’t hesitate to get a second opinion from a doctor that works at an entirely different medical facility. If something is telling you to do something different, then listen to it. 


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