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5 Surprising Car Accident Statistics

Posted March 19, 2024 in Uncategorized
5 Surprising Car Accident Statistics

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death around the world. Some statistics are well known, while others may surprise you. Here are five surprising statistics about car accidents from our friends at Herschensohn Law Firm, PLLC

Most Accidents Occur Close To Home 

Despite what some people may believe, the majority of car accidents take place very close to home. In fact, studies suggest that around 52% of reported crashes occur within a five-mile radius of your home, and about 69% take place within a ten-mile radius. Complacency due to how near the accident occurs to your home may contribute to this surprising statistic. 

The Deadliest Day To Drive 

Again, the most dangerous day of the year to drive may not be what you suspect. Most would assume that New Year’s Eve or some other major holiday would take this title, but the Fourth of July is consistently the deadliest day of the year for car accidents in the U.S. Increased travel, alcohol consumption, and being distracted by fireworks all add up to create this very risky day. 

Teen Drivers And Accident Rates 

According to a car accident lawyer, teen drivers, especially between the ages of 16-19, have a crash rate almost three times higher than drivers age 20 and older. This high crash risk is due to inexperience, risk-taking behavior, and the high likelihood that teens will engage in distracted driving. 

The Impact Of Weather 

You would assume that winter weather would net the most accidents, but you would be mistaken. Rain is responsible for more vehicle fatalities than snow, wet roads from rain as well as reduced visibility are bigger contributing factors to car crashes than snowy or icy roads. 

Distracted Driving 

Distracted driving plays a role in around 25% of all motor vehicle crash fatalities. The omnipresence of the Smartphone has made the problem even worse; texting while driving is one of the leading forms of driver distraction. 

Additional Insights 

Seat Belt Usage

Even though seat belts have been proven to save lives, drivers not buckling up is still a large problem. Statistics show that buckling up can reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat passengers by 45% and the chance of being killed is reduced by 60% for those riding in the rear. 


Speeding is one of the most prevalent factors in car accidents and is a contributing factor in about one-third off all car crashes. The higher your speed, the worse the impact is and the more likely the crash will be fatal. Slow down and save lives. 

These surprising car accident statistics really highlight just how important it is to always stay alert on the road, whether you are just going around the corner or are venturing out on your long awaited summer vacation. The more we know about the dangerous side of teen driving, holiday driving, and distracted driving, the better choices we can make as drivers to avoid crashes altogether. Also, wearing your seat belts and sticking to the speed limits are always surefire ways to keep accidents from happening in the first place. 

If you are involved in an accident, contact a lawyer near you for help.


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