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Can I Request Receipts to Show What Child Support Was Spent On?

Posted November 02, 2020 in Uncategorized

Can I Request Receipts to Show What Child Support Was Spent On?

Child support is often a difficult subject. In many instances, the custodial parent may feel that they are not receiving enough support to help care for their child. On the other end, many non-custodial parents feel that they are being taken advantage of when it comes to how that money is spent. A question that is often asked is, “is the custodial parent required to produce receipts to show how child support money is being used?”

Generally speaking, most states don’t require receipts to show how child support payments are being spent. Per the child support order, it is generally understood that the custodial parent will make the necessary provisions to help provide for and raise the child. This includes all kinds of expenses and would be difficult to track on a case-by-case basis.

The Case for Monitoring Child Support Payments

There are several arguments for monitoring child support payments to make sure they are being used appropriately. Child support payments are paid in cash and could be used to buy anything, including drugs or alcohol. A non-custodial parent may feel that this is contributing to a problem if the money isn’t being spent with the child’s best interest in mind. Additionally, it could be argued that using child support payments as a source of income gives the custodial parent less of a reason to seek self-sufficiency.

State Laws on Monitoring Child Support Payments

While most states don’t require any proof when it comes to how these payments are spent, there are about 10 states that have some rules in place to help account for how these funds are used. These laws vary from state to state and a local child support lawyer will be able to tell you how your state operates specifically.

In some states, if a non-custodial makes a convincing case for the need for it, a summary must be produced by the custodial parent to show how the payments are being spent. Other states may require that the custodial parent produce a sworn statement only. Still, other states may order the custodial parent to show how they are using the funds based on their discretion.

In the end, no matter which state you reside in, child support payments are meant to provide for your children to ensure that they have everything they need. If you have a suspicion that your payments are not being used in this way, be sure to contact a local lawyer, like a child support lawyer  from Pioletti, Pioletti, & Nichols Attorneys at Law, to discuss your concerns.


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