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Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths 

Posted May 19, 2022 in Uncategorized

Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths 


When someone dies from a wrongful death it can be one of the hardest things that anyone goes through. A wrongful death occurs when someone dies from the carelessness, negligence, or the willful act of another person or entity. If you have had a loved one die from a wrongful death you can file a wrongful death claim and help get some compensation for your loss. While it can’t bring them back, it can help you cover the loss of the financial aspect and help you cover the costs of a funeral. 

Here are some of the most common reasons that wrongful death can happen. 

  • Automobile Accidents 

Car accidents are the most common cause of wrongful deaths in the United States. There are over 38,000 people that die in traffic accidents every year in the United States. When a driver is distracted, drunk, or impaired, they bring danger to the roads and those on them. Road construction is another cause of wrongful death as it can cause accidents easily. 

  • Medical Malpractice 

Medical malpractice is another cause of wrongful deaths. When a hospital or other medical professional fails to provide an accepted standard of care then it is considered medical malpractice. A healthcare provider is someone we trust to ensure that we get the proper treatment, diagnosis, and prescriptions to keep us healthy. When this doesn’t happen it can result in wrongful death. 

  • Workplace Accidents 

There are certain jobs that are at higher risk than others. However, wrongful death can happen anywhere no matter in the workplace. This often is the cause of faulty equipment, improper training, illnesses due to unsafe environments, fires, and explosions. Other common causes of workplace accidents that can result in death are exposed to dangerous chemicals without the proper safety gear and falling debris. 

  • Product Liability 

When you buy a product you suspect it to be safe for you to have. Manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and retailers are liable if the product they sell is defective and results in wrongful death. Some of the most common claims are design defects, manufacturing defects, and the failure to warn customers of defects. 

  • Nursing Homes

While it is expected that when you send a loved one to a nursing home they will eventually pass, there are times that the death should not have happened when it did. Nursing home abuse is common and when this happens it can be the cause of wrongful death. If your loved were to lose their life due to the negligence of the caregivers then the nursing home and the caregiver can be held responsible for the death of your loved one. 

Going through a wrongful death is understandably difficult and a wrongful death lawyer, like our friends at Disparti Law Group, understands this and is there to answer any questions you have in order to help you get the composition you deserve sensitive to your needs. 


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