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Dog Bite Facts, Stereotypes, And Statistics

Posted November 21, 2022 in Uncategorized

Canines are a man’s best friend, up until they show aggression by biting or attacking someone. A dog may be our closest ally and companion, but animals are still animals, and may react aggressively with or without provocation. Not all dogs are dangerous, but some certainly are, and owners have a duty by law to protect the public from harm. When an owner fails to do this, and a serious injury results, they are likely to be held liable for the medical bills and losses the victim endured.

Why Do Dogs Bite?
Each dog you encounter is an individual, with their own personality and propensity for aggression. Some dogs are not likely to bite at all, as it’s just not in their inherent nature. But for other dogs, they may use growling or nipping more readily. The most common reasons why dogs bite tend to include the dog reacting to a stressful situation, feeling threatened or scared, protecting themselves, protecting their puppies, protecting their owners, not feeling well, or during rough play. Over-exciting an animal during play can lead to nips or bites that aren’t intentional, but are a product of too rowdy play time.

Which Dogs Bite The Most?
It must be said that dogs should not be stereotyped. Just like people, at the end of the day, each is an individual with a complex personality. There are statistics about which dogs tend to bite the most, but this doesn’t include bias or bite incidents that do happen but aren’t reported. Based on research, the breeds that have more bite incident reports compared to others include Chihuahuas, Bulldogs, American Bull Terrier, German Shepherds, Lhasa Apso, Jack Russell Terrier, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniel, Australian Shepherd, and Papillon. Assuming a dog is aggressive or not based on breed is not only unfair to the dog who cannot help what breed he or she was born into, but perpetuates unwarranted human fear.

How Strong Is A Dog’s Bite?
Consider the fact that the human bite has a strength of only 120-160 PSI (pounds per square inch). This pales in comparison to many animals, particularly wild species, who may use their jaw to grip, tear, and chew. Dog bite strengths range between 300 PSI to 700 PSI depending on the breed. For instance, a Kangal has a rating of 743 PSI, English Mastiff 556 PSI, and a Rottweiler 328 PSI. The strength of a dog’s bite varies greatly based on breed. It is important to recognize that there are many friendly and well-behaved dogs out there, regardless of their breed, especially if they are raised by responsible owners.

As a Des Moines IA dog bite lawyer from Des Moines Injury Law suggests, if you or someone you care about was bitten by any breed of dog, it’s worth having a lawyer help you get compensation for what happened; contact our firm today.


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