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Free Legal Advice in Des Moines Iowa

Posted February 24, 2016 in Personal Injury Blog

Free legal advice in Des Moines, Iowa

Free legal advice in Des Moines and outstate Iowa. Call us at 515-493-4878 or email today for a free consultation with an experienced attorney.

Many people who need the help of a lawyer are reluctant to make the call. Over the years, I have spoken with many people who, upon learning I am an attorney, say “You know, I’ve been thinking about calling a lawyer for years because…” When I ask why they haven’t, the reasons I have heard are many but the three most common answers I get are:

1) They didn’t think their issue was “serious enough” to warrant contacting an attorney;

2) They aren’t sure what kind of lawyer they should talk to about their particular issue;

3) They think they will have to pay the lawyer before they will even talk to them.

Of these three answers, the money issue is, by a wide margin, the most common response I hear. Fortunately, regardless of the reason you have avoided contacting an attorney, there is a solution! The attorneys at Des Moines Injury will happily speak with you at NO COST. However, there are a few caveats of which you should be aware:

1) We might not have a ready answer and your question might require some research on our end;

2) Your issue might be better addressed by a different type of attorney and, if that is the case, we will work to put you in touch with the correct attorney. However, there are certain practice areas in which a lawyer will likely represent you on a contingency basis which means you don’t pay lawyer until he or she makes a recovery for you. Common contingency types cases include car accidents, dog bites, wrongful death, and other personal injury matters.

3) Due to ethical and legal constraints, we may only be able to provide general type answers;

4) You may find that you do need to retain the services of an attorney and, if you do, you will likely have to pay for those services. However, our initial consultations and recommendations will COST YOU NOTHING.

That all said, our Des Moines attorneys pride themselves on being approachable and honest and encourage people to contact them regardless of the issue with which they are dealing.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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