Any employee that has been injured while at work should notify his or her employer right away, and fill out an incident report of the accident. It is important that an employee does not wait to tell their boss about the injury, as this is not only risky for health but potential benefit eligibility as well. In a question and answer format below, we have provided more information about workers compensation eligibility, signs of a brain injury, when to see an attorney, and more.
What if my injury doesn’t seem serious at first?
Even if you feel okay at the time of the accident, there may still be injuries which become noticeable later on. Particularly when it comes to brain injuries, such a condition can become very serious or even life-threatening quickly. Waiting too long to report an injury could be risking medical benefits that you were entitled to.
What are signs that I may have a brain injury?
Symptoms of a brain injury may vary based on the severity, and how exactly the injury occured. If there is any concern that an employee may have hit their head, they should go to the nearest emergency room right away. Common signs of a brain injury can include the following:
- Loss of consciousness (from a few seconds to several minutes)
- Dazed, disoriented
- Headache (which does not lessen in intensity)
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Difficulty understanding others (spoken word)
- Losing balance
- Trouble concentrating
- Dilation of one or both pupils
- Slurred speech
So how does workers compensation actually work?
Workers compensation was designed to cover medical expenses for employees who were injured as a result of the job environment, or due to performing a task. The program was created with the overall idea that an employee is to be covered regardless of who was at-fault for the accident. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule, which we have covered in the next question.
Is there a chance my claim might not get approved?
There are factors that can cause an employee’s injury claim to be denied. If the employee was found to have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or the injury was self-inflicted, the claim is not likely to be approved.
Can I see my own physician, or do I have to see the work-assigned doctor?
Depending on your state laws, you may have to be examined by a work-assigned doctor at least initially. It may be an option to get a second opinion from your own physician afterwards. Things can get complicated if the pre-assigned and your primary doctor have not concluded to same diagnosis and treatment plan.
When should an employee seek the help of an attorney?
As stated above, in the event your physician and the work-assigned doctor do not have similar evaluations of your health, you may want to see a workers comp attorney Nassau County trusts
about what to do next. In the worst case scenario, the work-assigned doctor may be influenced to save your employer money by minimizing your condition.
Thank you to our contributors at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. for the above information.