Car Accident Attorney
Even the most experienced driver can get into an accident. With an accident comes a tremendous amount of stress, but this stress can double if the at-fault driver is uninsured. If you do have the state required liability coverage, then the uninsured motorist coverage written into every policy (unless you’ve opted out in writing) might not be enough. In order to ensure compensation to cover all your medical and repair bills, the best course of action is to contact the lawyers so they can fight for you.
An uninsured motorist is defined as someone who is driving a vehicle that is not covered under the insurance or does not have insurance at all. According to a study conducted by the Insurance Information Institute (III), about 14.1% of drivers in Texas are uninsured. This might seem like a low number, but the III reported that the number keeps rising. This is bad news for Dallas residents, as Dallas has been named as one of the top ten riskiest cities for driving in America. Additionally, the Dallas/Fort Worth area has 30 of of the top 100 most congested roads in Texas. Meaning living in DFW might put you at a higher risk to be hit by one of these uninsured motorists.
Usually if the at-fault driver has liability insurance, as required by law, their insurance will pay to cover your medical bills and vehicle repairs. But, if they do not, then you have to rely on your car insurance and/or your medical insurance to pay your bills. This means a lot of money out of your pocket.
In order to get compensation from the other driver to help cover medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle repairs, you can file a personal injury claim with the help of attorneys. You have two years from the date of the accident to file the claim, but it would be to your advantage to contact a lawyer as soon as possible.
So, what is your next step? Contacting a car accident lawyer in Arlington, TX. Whether you go to trial or settle outside of court, getting you the best possible deal is your lawyer’s number one priority.