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Man Dies In Crash With DOT Vehicle In Des Moines

Posted September 20, 2022 in Uncategorized

On Jan. 12, a vehicle crashed into a Department of Transportation vehicle, killing a 72-year-old man. Jose Mauricio Argueta Rodas died at the scene. According to investigation reports, the DOT vehicle pulled off the road and parked on the grass shoulder of southbound I-235. When the employees got out of the truck, Argueta Rodas’ vehicle crashed into the DOT vehicle.

How to Avoid Getting Into a Car Accident

Car accidents frequently occur in Des Moines, and some of them can be fatal. That’s why it is important to be cautious while behind the wheel. Here are some tips a Des Moines, IA personal injury attorney suggests to avoid getting into a car accident.

  • Always pay attention. Many car accidents result from driver distraction. If you are driving for a while, it is easy to daydream or distract yourself in some other way. However, taking your eyes or attention off the road for even a second can result in an accident. That is why you should get rid of distractions and always pay attention to the road ahead.
  • Avoid driving in weather. If possible, do not drive in bad weather conditions, like heavy rainstorms and snow. These conditions can reduce visibility and make the road more slippery, increasing the risk of a crash. If you have to drive during bad weather, slow down your speed and keep extra distance between the vehicles in front of you.
  • Don’t drink and drive. There are numerous warnings about drunk driving, but some people still choose to get behind the wheel intoxicated. Even if you have just had a couple of drinks and feel okay, you should avoid driving a vehicle. Ask a sober person to drive you. As a Des Moines personal injury attorney can confirm, alcohol can impair your judgment and lower your reaction times, increasing the risk of a collision.
  • Never drive above the speed limit. When you are in a hurry to get somewhere, you may be tempted to drive over the speed limit. However, speeding is dangerous and is one of the most common causes of car accidents. When you drive above the speed limit, you are more likely to lose control of your vehicle and cause an accident.
  • Maintain your vehicle. Poor vehicle maintenance is another common cause of car accidents. Worn out tires, poorly functioning windshield wipers and work brake pads can increase your chances of getting into an accident. That is why you should maintain your vehicle regularly and get necessary repairs. 
  • Don’t follow vehicles too closely. A big mistake drivers make is following the cars in front of them too closely. Tailgating is one of the most common causes of car accidents. Always stay a couple of car lengths behind the vehicle in front of you.

If you were hurt in a car accident, you should schedule a consultation with a Des Moines personal injury lawyer from Des Moines Injury Law today.



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