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Motorcycle Accidents Can Cause Dental Injuries 

Posted November 30, 2022 in Uncategorized

When motorcycle accidents happen, the results are often catastrophic and may include serious dental injuries. Because of this, you may find yourself reaching out to our Des Moines, IA motorcycle accident law firm at, Des Moines Injury Law, LLP.

A catastrophic dental injury can be extremely painful as well as make it difficult to eat food, open your mouth or even move your jaw. Dental injuries such as broken teeth may negatively impact the victim’s physical appearance. Speaking, sleeping, even breathing may also be challenging. Multiple oral surgeries could be required to reverse the injuries and the recovery time might be lengthy.

 Treatment for dental injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents can be complex and costly. If you were the victim of a negligent driver whose actions caused you to crash, they may be held liable for the damages that you suffered as a result. With the help of Des Moines Injury Law, LLP, a motorcycle accident law firm Des Moines, Iowa residents trust, you can file a claim with their insurance carrier to receive full compensation for your damages. Filing a claim on your own may be far easier said than done. You may miss many of the damages that can be included, and as a result, lose out on thousands of dollars. An experienced motorcycle accident law firm in Des Moines, IA can make sure that you receive the maximum possible settlement to which you are entitled. We have successfully protected the rights of accident victims for a number of years. Call Des Moines Injury Law, LLP, a Des Moines, IA motorcycle accident law firm to learn how we can help you.

Common Dental Injuries that Motorcyclists Suffer in Collisions

When a biker is hurt in a collision, the injuries that are often associated with such a crash are broken bones, head or brain injuries, and road rash. However, dental injuries should not be overlooked as they can be severe or irreparable. Adult victims cannot expect broken teeth to be replaced as may happen with children who are on their first set of teeth. An adult victim may need crowns, dentures, root canals, and more. Facial cosmetic surgery and jaw surgery may be needed. The list of possible treatments is long. This is why our Des Moines, IA motorcycle accident law firm will work with dental specialists to determine the full costs that a client may incur during their recovery. As a result, the claim we prepare on your behalf will include all damages, including future costs as well as pain and suffering if relevant.

This is a shortened list of common dental injuries that motorcyclists suffer in collisions:

  • Broken jawbone
  • Broken, cracked, or missing teeth
  • Broken nose (the naval cavity can affect breathing and eating)
  • Facial disfigurement

Common Dental Treatments that Motorcyclists May Require After a Collision

Because a motorcyclist will often come into direct contact with the pavement, the other vehicle or a hard obstacle such as a highway barrier or a tree, their injuries are often more serious than those riding in passenger vehicles. Our motorcycle accident law firm in Des Moines, IA is familiar with the dental treatments that riders may undergo, including:

  • Oral surgery to extract broken or fractured teeth
  • Surgery to correct a broken jaw
  • Prescription medication regimen to prevent infection and to reduce pain
  • Cosmetic surgery to correct facial injuries to lips, cheeks, forehead, tongue

Fight for the compensation you deserve with the help of our motorcycle accident lawyer. To discuss your injury case with our Des Moines, IA motorcycle accident accident law firm, contact us at Des Moines Injury Law LLP today.


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