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Personal Injury Blog

Personal Injury Law

Posted October 17, 2019 in Personal Injury Blog, Uncategorized

Injury Lawyer

Nobody will blame you for having questions after your personal injury accident – it’s a chaotic and traumatic event that can leave you feeling pretty drained both mentally and physically. The good news is that you aren’t the first person to sustain injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence. There are plenty of people out there who have gone through what you’re going through, which means there are plenty of answers to your questions. While the best person to seek answers from is your personal injury attorney, you can get a little bit of clarification from these frequently asked questions. 

What is a personal injury? 

A personal injury, by legal definition, is any harmful act to a person or persons, caused by the negligent actions of another person or persons. In other words, if you get injured because of someone else’s negligence (when someone does something haphazardly; without proper care), it’s considered a personal injury. Common examples of personal injuries include car accidents, motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, and wrongful death, to name a few. 

Can I get compensation for my injuries? 

In most cases, yes you can file a claim to receive monetary compensation for your injuries. The amount that you receive will be determined by the extent of your injuries, the circumstances of the accident (was only one person at fault, or can the blame be attributed to more than one party), and the level of negligence exhibited by the at-fault person. When consulting with your personal injury attorney, you can ask them how much they think your case is worth and get a closer approximation. 

Will I have to pay my medical bills myself?

This is a common worry by those who have been injured in an accident and unfortunately, there’s no straight answer. Not in anyway that you can read it here in this post, anyway. Most of the time, you can look to your own insurance company or the at-fault party’s insurance company to cover your medical expenses, but it’s best to consult your attorney on this matter. They can outline your options and give you the next steps in your case, including how to pay your medical bills. 

How do I set up a consultation? 

All it takes is one call to set up a free consultation with a reputable personal injury attorney. You will be able to sit with them to discuss the details of your case and get answers to any questions you may have. When preparing for you consultation, it’s important for you to have a few things:

  • A copy of your detailed, first-hand account of your accident. Be sure to include everything you can remember about the event. 
  • Any photos of your accident and/or your injuries to give visual aid to your story. 
  • Copies of your medical bills to establish validity of your case and the severity of your injuries. 
  • A list of your questions.

You undoubtedly have many more questions and probably more so related to the specifics of your case.


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