Truck Accident Lawyer
There are several differences between a tractor trailer incident and regular passenger vehicles. One of the greatest differences is the extent of injuries and damages a commercial truck can cause. These large, tractor trailers can weigh more than 80,000 pounds and can cause serious damages. If you have been injured in a crash involving a semi-truck it is highly recommended that you seek the legal counsel from a skilled law firm that has worked cases involving commercial trucks. An attorney will defend your rights and help you gain the full amount of compensation that you deserve.
What are common causes of commercial truck accidents?
There are several different ways a commercial truck accident can occur. This may include:
- Poor driving conditions
- Overloading the truck
- Brake failure
- Lack of training for the driver
- Speeding
- Fatigue
- Dangerous or reckless driving
- Mechanical failure
- Aggressive driving
- Failing to yield to the right of way
- Running off the road
- Driving under the influence
These are all different examples of how a trucking accident can occur. All of these examples are also results of the negligence of the driver or trucking company. In accidents that are not your fault, you are entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and personal damage.
What are the damages and injuries I can receive compensation for?
Having legal representation after an accident is the best way to get the outcome you are hoping for. Attorneys have helped numerous clients receive coverage for:
- All medical expenses related to the injury, both present and future expenses.
- Loss of income and earning capacity both present and future.
- Pain and suffering both physically and emotionally.
- Punitive damages
In some tragic situations, you may be filing for a wrongful death in the event someone you know died during the accident. In a wrongful death claim, you may be eligible for compensation involving economic losses, emotional distress and loss of love and comfort.
How soon should I contact a truck accident lawyer regarding my case?
The sooner you are able to contact a lawyer the better. There are extra laws involved with commercial truck accidents that need to be accounted for and different time regulations that must be followed. For example, the truck driver’s log could be destroyed after six months if a court order is not obtained. Additionally, it is better to get a lawyer early on so that your rights are protected. Insurance companies will try to speak with you sooner rather than later and offer a settlement that is far lower than what your case is probably worth. Lawyers have your best interest in mind and will fight on your behalf to get the compensation you deserve.
What should my next step be?
If you have been injured in a commercial truck accident due to the negligence of the driver or trucking company, your next step should be contacting a truck accident lawyer Canoga Park, CA relies on who can speak in more detail about your case and help provide legal counsel every step of the way.