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What You Can Do About Police Brutality

Posted April 17, 2021 in Uncategorized

Police are supposed to make the community feel more safe and secure. However, particularly in recent years, the number of police brutality-related incidents has vastly increased. This is especially true for those of minority or vulnerable populations. Hearing on the news about the frequent deaths among innocent lives due to police mistreatment or abuse is enough to make anyone enraged. For those who have experienced it themselves firsthand, they may have a yearning for justice.

What Police Brutality Looks Like

Police brutality can take on many forms, including physical, emotional, and mental abuse. If you aren’t sure what constitutes police brutality, here is a list of a few examples. For a more complete list and assessment of whether you have a case against the offender officer, contact our local attorney. 

  • Assault
  • Racial profiling
  • Threatening violence
  • Verbal abuse
  • Intimidation 
  • Excessive force
  • Coercion
  • False arrest
  • Sexual abuse/rape
  • Wrongful shooting
  • Abuse of inmates

Your lawyer can determine whether your situation meets the criteria for filing a lawsuit against the officer who harmed you. Keep in mind that shortly after the incident, law enforcement may falisify or destroy evidence, so contacting a legal professional for help immediately is strongly advised. 

Remember, just because someone is a member of law enforcement, doesn’t mean they can treat the community however they want. They must abide by certain standards and procedures, so that people’s rights and health remain protected. 

As the victim, it may seem like impossible odds to go up against police. However, there are dedicated legal professionals out there who are waiting to come to your aid. If you are wondering how you can take action after suffering mistreatment from law enforcement, seriously consider hiring a qualified lawyer, such as a police brutality lawyer in Des Moines, IA at Des Moines Injury Law, LLP.



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