How can I see a doctor if I don’t have health insurance?
Many clients come to us with issues related to not having health insurance. Luckily, in the state of Iowa there are many options for obtaining quality health insurance. This blog post will cover three important issues: 1) why you need to go to a doctor; 2) why you need to get health insurance; and 3) what your options are in terms of getting health insurance.
First, if you are injured in any accident or incident, you must see a doctor. Doctors are qualified at examining and assessing your injuries, as well as treating whatever is wrong. At the very least, the attorneys at Des Moines Injury Law want you to return to society as a fully functioning member of the community. In order for the attorneys of our firm to pursue a recovery for your loss, we must have objective documentation of your injury, diagnosis, and treatment. Insurance companies require objective data to evaluate and put a dollar sign on your claim. Objective data is information that is provided by an expert, is considered not to be biased, and is therefore, up for little to no dispute. Less objective data would be an affidavit or letter from a friend or loved one describing your injuries. That less objective information is likely to be biased in your favor and therefore, up for questioning by the insurance company.
In order to see a doctor, one has to be able to compensate a physician for their services. If you don’t have insurance, there are two options for paying for your medical treatment related to your injury. You could set up a payment plan with the physician, which the financial aid desk at the clinic may be able to offer the greatest flexibility. If this is not an option, you may be able to ask the doctor to provide the services on contingency. Much like the way the law firm earns its income for services, a doctor’s office can similarly provide services on the contingency that once the claim is settled, their office will be paid. To do this, ask the office manager what the options are for services on contingency. They may contact our firm and request a letter of protections. That letter notes that we will put a lien on your matter to remind us to pay out the doctor’s fee once the claim is settled.
There is also the more traditional route of health insurance. Health insurance is a coverage that provides for compensating your health care providers based upon a pre-negotiated rate set forth between the insurance company’s network and the physician’s group. Oftentimes, you will have to pay a month premium and then a per visit fee. That per visit fee is deducted from your yearly deductible amount, perhaps $1,000, and once reached, you no longer need to pay towards the cost of your care.
Health insurance can be obtained through several means. The most common means is through an employer. In that system, your employer, if they employ over 75 people, must provide the option of a group plan to all of its employers. If it’s a smaller company, they must inform you of options through the Affordable Care Act’s healthcare exchange network. Also known as Obamacare, the healthcare exchange can be accessed online or over the phone at On the site, you will be instructed to fill out various information about your income level and the number of dependents you support. Based upon your input, the website will provide you with information about rebates available for coverage. Those rebates may reduce your monthly premiums and deductibles close to $0.
Another option with excellent coverage is Medicaid, provided through the state of Iowa. This option allows for you to receive no-cost health insurance based upon need and income levels. Medicaid is operated by the State through funds provided by the federal government. This form of health insurance is a great way to provide quality coverage for you and your family. Almost all doctors accept Medicaid and the level of care is just as high as through private insurance. To apply online for Iowa Medicaid, visit the State’s Department of Human Services. If you believe you are already eligible for Medicaid and you find yourself at the hospital for any reason, you may request what is known as presumptive Medicaid. This is where, based upon the information your provide about your level of income, the hospital will presume you are eligible and have your costs covered by Medicaid.
There are two other options that are less available to the public and those are healthcare coverage through the Veterans Affairs Administration (VA) and coverage through Medicare & Social Security (SSI). The first option through the VA is available only to veterans and their immediate families. If you have served our country, we appreciate your service and encourage you to seek out treatment at the VA. If you have a chronic illness, such as kidney failure or other degenerative diseases, consider contacting your local Social Security Office to apply for services. This latter option can be complicated to apply for and may require doctors to sign off on the diagnosis of your condition.
No matter your injury, see a doctor. It is necessary that a doctor examine, diagnose, and treat you for your injuries. Make sure to request copies of all of your records and any bills or paperwork you receive in the mail. All of this information you retain, will make it easier for the legal team of Des Moines Injury Law to settle your claim for the greatest amount available. Call the attorneys of Des Moines Injury Law because they know personal injury law. The attorneys are experts of motor vehicle accident recovery, slip and fall compensation, dog bites, and many other common injuries. We will work hard to make sure you recover the best recovery for you.