Des Moines Child Injury Lawyers
Questions for a Des Moines child injury lawyer? Email for free consultation or call 515-495-6316
Child injured in Iowa? We can help.
Having a child seriously injured or worse is any parent’s worst nightmare. As parents, we all know the saying, “kids will be kids” and understand there is certainly an element of truth to that. Every day, kids engage in activities that, while although normal childhood activities, are often fraught with danger. Riding bikes, roughhousing at the local park, or simply running with friends through the neighborhood, kids encounter dangers that may not be readily apparent to them and, as a result, we see children sustaining injuries while engaging in these everyday activities.
Children also sustain a disproportionate amount of dog bites– frequently to the face. This situation often arises as children, unlike adults, are frequently face to face with a dog which can make some dogs quite nervous which may cause them to bite. Additionally, as kids can tend to be rambunctious, this behavior has a tendency to excite certain dogs who, as a result, might bite.
Legal issues in child injury cases in Iowa:
Injuries to children often involve legal elements not typical to those of adults with similar injuries. For example, depending on the child’s age, a question that often must be addressed is whether or not a child of the age of the injured child was capable of comprehending the risk they encountered or if they were capable of comprehending the risk of injury associated with the act. In some cases, our child injury lawyers have retained the services of a psychologist to establish that awareness or lack thereof.
Another complicating legality of child injury cases arises when the defendant in one of these cases points the finger back at the parents of the injured child. For example, a child runs into the road and is struck by a car and it can be expected that the driver of the car will attempt to place blame on the parents for not watching the child closely enough.
Effect of injuries:
Another unique issue when dealing with child injuries involves the physical development of children. What might prove to be a simple broken ankle for an adult might result in a broken growth plate in a child. This latter form of injury can have much more severe consequences than a similar adult injury in the form of crooked growth of a bone or result in legs of unequal lengths if proper medical care is not provided.
In addition to differing types of injuries, children will have to live with the results of their injuries for a much longer time than adult. The difference in injuries and the difference in time goes into the calculation of “damages” for the case meaning the value of a child injury is often quite different than that of an adult.
Our personal injury lawyers have successfully handled many of these child injuries and have resolved them both through settlement as well as jury verdict. Our lawyers have the experience and resources to help you and your child through the process. Our representation on these childhood injuries doesn’t stop the day the case is settled – we will work with you to determine what should be done with your child’s money upon settlement.
Contact A Des Moines Child Injury Attorney:
If your child was hurt in a crash, semi-truck accident, or any other way, the personal injury lawyers at Des Moines Injury stand ready to help. Ensure that your child receives the maximum compensation to which they might be entitled. Email now or call us at 515-495-6316 for a no cost consultation.
Client Review
“I am an attorney located in San Diego and needed a referral in Iowa. Brad was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. He spent about 15 minutes of his time to point me in the right direction. He made me feel comfortable and was very pleasant to talk to. Thank you, Brad!”
Holly A.