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Civil Rights Lawyer Des Moines, IA

Civil Rights Lawyer Des Moines, IA

Civil Rights Lawyer Des Moines, IA

If you need a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA, then you should call Des Moines Injury Law, LLP immediately. You may not know whether you do or not—if you don’t know what a civil rights lawyer does, they protect individuals and groups against discrimination and violations of their civil rights with lawsuits and settlement negotiations. If you live in Iowa and you believe that your civil rights were infringed upon in any way, going to a reputable civil rights lawyer is a good start. With their guidance and support, they can help you file a claim against the party who violated your rights. Some frequent rights these lawyers protect are freedom of speech, religion, or assembly; the right to petition the government; the right to procedural due process, and freedom from discrimination of sex, race, national origin, and more.

But that does not tell you whether you need a civil rights lawyer does it? You’re going to want a civil rights lawyer if any of your rights are violated. Many people think they can resolve a civil rights violation themselves without the assistance of a lawyer who specializes in the area. However, this is a risky decision to make. If you are fighting a case against powerful individuals and institutions who have their own skilled legal teams, it is even more imperative that you hire a civil rights lawyer. Attempting to handle a civil rights case on your own is not recommended as it is a complex area of law. A civil rights lawyer can help you determine if you’ve been mistreated based on your religion, race, gender, or disability.

Understanding Your Civil Rights

Any violation of your civil rights should not be tolerated. The Constitution grants individuals their civil rights and civil liberties, which include the following:

  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of assembly
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom to vote
  • Freedom of the press
  • Right to privacy
  • Right to have a fair trial
  • Right to access public utilities
  • Right to receive government services
  • Freedom against unlawful searches and seizures
  • Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment
  • Freedom from discrimination based on religion, race, sex, gender, age, or disability
  • Freedom from discrimination in employment, housing, and education

Because civil rights encompass many different types of freedoms, civil rights violations cover a wide range of diverse scenarios. Every individual is protected against discrimination, whether it occurs at work, school, or a business. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law. Our firm stands up for our clients and comes to their defense when their civil rights have been violated, whether it was a violation made by the government or a business. 

A Few Common Types of Civil Rights Violations

  • Searches and seizures that were unreasonable, or otherwise illegal.
  • Punishments that are deemed to be cruel and unusual.
  • If you lose a job or are passed over by a promotion because of something discriminatory.
  • If you are abused by a public official.
  • If you are discriminated against for any superficial quality or belief.

Were Your Civil Rights Violated in a Police Interrogation?

Sometimes, a person may find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time. This can sometimes even lead to an individual being accused of a crime. Although the American criminal justice system is supposed to adhere to the principle that every person is innocent until proven guilty, a civil rights lawyer knows that is often not the case in the eyes of law enforcement.

When an individual is suspected of committing a criminal act, the police will often question the person. The police may also perform a search of the suspect’s home, vehicle, or other personal space (such as a work locker). If the police decide to arrest the suspect, he or she will be taken into police custody. At this point, the police officers may decide to interrogate the suspect.

Although police officers are allowed to do all of the things mentioned above, there are certain procedures they must follow in order to ensure that the suspect’s constitutional rights are protected. Unfortunately, there are many cases where police officers do not follow those protocols and instead, use tactics that not only violate the suspect’s civil rights but can also result in harm to the individual.

Police Brutality

There are cases where police will justify using force against a suspect while arresting them. An officer may claim that the suspect was not complying with a request being made by the officer or claim the suspect was attempting to flee. There are tactics and techniques – some of them improper – that an officer can use to keep a suspect “inline” or to get a suspect to confess to a crime – even a crime the suspect did not commit. A civil rights lawyer has represented many clients who have confessed to crimes they did not commit because of the intimidating and manipulating tactics used on them by officers conducting the interrogations.

Some of these tactics include using excessive force, conducting a strip or body cavity search, or even torture in order to get a suspect to confess to crimes they did not commit. If violence is used, such as slapping, punching, and kicking, the suspect can suffer mild to major injuries, depending on the amount of force used. Some common injuries include the following:

  • Broken bones
  • Bruises/abrasions
  • Lacerations
  • Facial fractures
  • Traumatic brain injury

Misconduct on behalf of a police officer can lead to a criminal prosecution. While rare, they do follow incidents of egregious abuse, such as sexual assault, severe brutality, planting evidence, and a shooting. Evidence related to the officer’s misconduct is often uncovered after the victim and/or family files a lawsuit and the event is investigated further. If you believe your civil rights have been violated, contact a Des Moines, Iowa civil rights lawyer to find out what legal recourse you may have against those who caused you to suffer.

Examples of Police Misconduct

Members of law enforcement are people, and should not be exempt from the consequences that their poor behavior causes. Of course, many people hope that a police officer will protect and serve, but when they don’t, it’s easy for members of the public to doubt this motto. When an officer acts with harm and outside of his or her duties, victims should take action to hold the offender responsible. 

Here are examples of some of the most common forms of police misconduct. If any of these situations apply to what you went through, you must call us now for help:

  • Tasing Abuse: it isn’t necessary to tase a suspect more than what would reasonably halt them. Police rely on their tasers to restrain those who attempt to get away, but this doesn’t mean a person should suffer the maximum voltage to their nervous system just to be stopped in their tracks. Chances are, less voltage could have been used and had the same result. 
  • Wrongful Arrest: just because someone is a police officer doesn’t mean they properly understand law. You would think that law enforcement would be familiar with how to perform a search and seizure without infringing on someone’s rights, but it happens all the time. 
  • K-9 Maulings: police dogs are trained to attack upon command, leaving a person with painful injuries and long-term scarring. Was your supposed offense so bad that you deserved to be mauled by a large dog? We’d guess probably not. 
  • Prison Guard Misconduct: a person is behind bars to serve the consequences for their actions, not to be tortured or abused in the process. It may seem like being in prison eradicates all of your rights, but this isn’t true, and a qualified lawyer will know how to assert your rights. 
  • Medical Neglect in Jail: as stated previously, being in jail doesn’t mean you do not have the right to proper medical care. Prison guards and officials who neglect getting you medical attention are knowingly disregarding law. 
  • Excessive Force (Lethal): over the years, the public has become disheartingly aware of how excessive force can turn deadly, and may have been from use of a weapon or applying too much strength behind an arrest. 
  • Excessive Force (Non-Lethal): if someone survives excessive force from a police officer, they may be left with substantial injuries and mental trauma.



civil rights infographic


Advantages of Hiring a Civil Rights Lawyer

Having a qualified civil rights lawyer who will stay by your side and be a strong advocate for you is important if your civil rights have been violated. Specializing in this area of law, they can provide you with a detailed explanation about your rights and specific information that’s relevant to your case. Because civil rights cover many topics, you need to work with a lawyer who has extensive knowledge and experience, demonstrating a proven record of achieving positive outcomes for their clients. A violation of civil rights is extremely hard to prove, so working with a skilled lawyer is key. An experienced civil rights lawyer will provide an honest assessment of your case and explain if and how your rights were violated. Following your consultation, they can suggest important action steps you should take. 

How To Know if You Were Discriminated Against

There is room for opportunities for each person, regardless of race, ethnicity, age or religion. Still, discrimination happens all too often, and sometimes it is hard to tell when you have been discriminated against.

You can fight discrimination with the help of a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA like an attorney from Des Moines Injury Law LLP. But first, you need to be sure whether you were truly discriminated against, and if the negative treatment was intentional and not a coincidence. Read on to find out how you can tell if you were the victim of discrimination.

You Were Singled Out 

If you are a student at school or an employee at a place of business, you have the right to study or do your job in peace and equity. Therefore, if you were ever singled out by a person in a position of power, and the reason had to do with your religion, your skin color, your disability or your age, you were discriminated against.

Your employer or teacher can bring attention and consequences against you regarding your work or behavior. A civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA will tell you that is lawful. But if the reason for singling you out has to do with a personal matter that has no affect on your work or education, that makes for a discrimination case which Des Moines Injury Law LLP can help you with.

 You Were Passed Up In spite of Qualifications

Did you interview for a job you were qualified for, but once the interview ended you never heard from the employer again? It’s true that they may have passed you up for legitimate reasons. However, if you were ignored or denied a fair shot as a candidate for employment because of your age or disability, that is a clear instance of discrimination.

It can be difficult to tell why you are passed up for an opportunity, even if there is a possible case for discrimination. An experienced civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA can help you figure out whether your circumstances and evidence warrant a case against discrimination.

You Were Bullied Into a Bad decision

Sometimes, people who discriminate against you based on your beliefs, looks or abilities try to make it look like the unfair treatment is your own doing. Rather than deciding unfairly against you, a person may badger or bully you into backing away from an opportunity, for example.

If you change your mind about a matter or you willingly turn away from an opportunity, the discriminating person figures the blame is on you. Though this makes discrimination harder to prove, your civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA can help you gather enough evidence to paint an accurate picture of being bullied into a choice you never meant to make.

What Should My First Steps Be?

If you suspect that your civil rights were violated, there are a few things you should do right away. Write down your account of what happened. Bring any important documents and pieces of evidence such as photos to your consultation. Obtain the names and contact information of any witnesses who were present at the scene. The lawyer will use them to build your case argument. 

A Legal Team You Can Depend On

Des Moines Injury Law, LLP in Des Moines, IA is a law firm that handles civil rights, whether you’re discriminated against because of your age, race, disability, religion, or something else, this law firm is going to have your back. This law firm is built on providing “top-notch service” alongside in-depth knowledge of the legal system and acumen to its clients. They offer a free consultation and will help you decide whether they are the best law firm for your case or not.

The attorneys at Des Moines Injury Law, LLP have two goals in mind—protecting their clients’ rights, and ensuring you receive the compensation in full that you deserve and are owed. Did you lose your job because you were racially profiled but qualified for the position? Did your child get beat up at school because of their disability? Reach out to Des Moines Injury Law, LLP in Des Moines, IA to talk about your civil rights with a civil rights lawyer.

Christopher Johnston, a founder of Des Moines Injury Law, graduated from William Mitchell College of Law and has experience at trial with the following focuses: car accidents, motorcycle accidents, dram shop cases, wrongful death, semi-truck accidents, pharmaceutical cases, police brutality / civil rights claims, litigation, mesothelioma cases, premises liability, medical device recalls/malfunctions, intersection accidents, plane crashes and much more.

He was born and raised in Iowa, and he is proud to help injured Iowans. Mr. Johnston has bar admissions in Iowa, Minnesota, the U.S. Court of Appeals 8th Circuit, and the Federal Court, specifically in the District of Minnesota.

Our other Christopher, Mr. Martineau, is the second founder of the law firm. His education started out at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and then he worked for a large insurance company as an adjuster for claims. After working for an insurance company, Mr. Martineau made the decision that he wanted to help the people—not the big insurance companies. He attended Hamline University for his law school, and after graduation focused on personal injury cases.

How to Select the Right Civil Rights Lawyer

If you believe that your civil rights have been violated, your next step should be to hire a civil rights lawyer. This legal professional can help you pursue a timely lawsuit and stand up for your legal rights. Here are some important qualities to look for in a lawyer.

  • Experience. If you want to pursue a discrimination lawsuit, it is important to work with a lawyer who has years of experience helping people who are victims of civil rights violations. During your initial consultation, you should ask questions to find out about a lawyer’s experience. For instance, you may want to ask how many civil rights cases a lawyer has handled in the past and what type of discrimination the cases involved.
  • Compassionate. If your civil rights have been violated, it is natural to feel angry and upset. That’s why it’s important to hire a civil rights lawyer who is truly compassionate towards you. He or she should understand that you’re dealing with something very difficult and provide words of encouragement.
  • Communicative. A civil rights lawyer should also take the time to listen to you and answer all of your questions. He or she should explain things in a language you can understand, rather than legal jargon. If you and your lawyer are having difficulty communicating with each other, you may want to find another lawyer.
  • Honest. It is also important to find a civil rights lawyer who is completely truthful. He or she should not just tell you what you want to hire. Civil rights lawsuits can be tricky to win, so your lawyer should give you an honest assessment of your chances of a successful claim.

If you have any friends or family members who have ever used a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA, you may want to ask them for recommendations. Ask them how their experience was with their civil rights lawyer and if they would recommend him or her to others.

If you do not know anyone who has used civil rights lawyers before you can always contact organizations that focus on civil rights issues. They may be able to recommend a reputable civil rights lawyer in your area. Examples of these organizations may include American Center for Law and Justice and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Most Common Civil Rights Violations

Part of the foundation of our country is that every citizen is guaranteed certain rights as written in the constitution. These rights were selected because they are fundamental to the health, happiness, and freedom of every citizen of the United States of America, and when they are violated they can have a profound effect on the violated individuals. If you believe your civil rights have been violated, you should contact a civil right lawyer in Des Moines as soon as possible. At Des Moines Injury Law, LLP we are here to help. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation with our compassionate and experienced team. We can discuss your case with you and help you determine your best course of action. 

Employment Discrimination | An employer is not allowed to discriminate against anyone based on their race, gender, religion, or ethnicity. Since the constitution, laws have been enacted that further protect against discrimination based on age, sexual preference or disability. If you believe you weren’t hired, didn’t receive a promotion, were fired, or were subjected to a hostile work environment because of any of the factors above, there may be cause to pursue recourse and you should seek legal counsel. 

Denial of Voting Rights | Every citizen in the United States with few exceptions has the right to vote in local, state, and federal elections. Laws have been put into effect that limit the ability of some citizens from practicing this right. Furthermore, local polling places may take additional measures to limit participation. These actions are illegal and should be challenged in court. Bringing forward a case might feel daunting, but it can help many people in the end. A skilled civil rights lawyer from a firm like Des Moines Injury Law, LLP can answer your questions and support you along the way. 

Denial of Housing | Just like employment, you should not be denied housing based on the color of your skin, sexual identity, age, or other factors listed above. Mortgage companies, landlords, and real estate companies are not allowed to deny you a house, apartment, condo or other form of housing for these reasons. They use tactics such as alter the terms, charge different prices, or use different qualification standards to make it difficult for the victim to buy or rent. 

Violation of Miranda Rights | When you are being arrested, law enforcement must inform you of your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. All too often, police use intimidation tactics to make you feel like you have to admit to guilt or that you would be better off confessing. This is not the case. Law enforcement also can’t deny you access to an attorney. If you can’t afford one, a lawyer will be provided by the state to represent you. 

These are just some common civil rights violations that are brought to trial, but many more exist. The best way to understand whether you have been a victim is by talking to a knowledgeable lawyer. Our compassionate team at Des Moines Injury Law, LLP will fight for you, so call us today to set up an appointment with a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, Iowa. 

What are the benefits of hiring a civil rights lawyer?

Hiring a civil rights lawyer can be beneficial in many ways. This type of lawyer is specifically trained to help protect the rights of individuals who have been discriminated against or who have had their constitutional rights violated. If you have been wrongfully treated, a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA can help you fight for justice and receive the compensation you deserve. Additionally, they can also help prevent future occurrences of discrimination and mistreatment.

Civil rights lawyers are experts in protecting your rights and fighting for justice. They can help you file a complaint with the government or sue the person or organization that harmed you. Hiring a civil rights lawyer is important because it can ensure that you get the best possible outcome in your case. If you are considering hiring a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA, here are some reasons why you should do so.

A civil rights lawyer can also help protect your rights in the workplace

Workplace discrimination is a reality for many people. But you don’t have to face it alone. A civil rights lawyer can help protect your rights in the workplace and ensure that you’re treated fairly. Whether you’ve been denied a promotion or fired because of your race, sex, or religion, a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA can help. So if you’re experiencing discrimination at work, don’t hesitate to contact one. You may be surprised at how much they can help!

Whether you’ve been wrongfully terminated, harassed, or denied a promotion, a civil rights lawyer can fight for you. So if you’re dealing with an employment issue, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You might be surprised at how much they can do!

4 Things To Know About Unreasonable Searches

1. The Fourth Amendment Makes Them a Civil Rights Violation

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the reasonable right of privacy of citizens. Because people’s homes are considered private, the police must obtain a valid warrant before they can search them without the owner’s consent. If the police have searched your home without a valid warrant or your consent, you may want to contact a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA.

2. Police Searches Conducted With Invalid Warrants Are Illegal

If the police obtain a search warrant without probable cause and search your home, that search may be illegal. If you believe the police have conducted an illegal search on a warrant obtained without probable cause, you may want to contact a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA.

3. There Are Exemptions 

The police may search your property without a warrant when specific circumstances apply:

  • You consent to the search
  • The search is an administrative search being done on corporate premises for inspection purposes
  • The search is in a vehicle
  • While conducting an arrest, police may search for evidence of criminal activity
  • Police may search you if they see you committing a crime
  • Random drug testing on athletes and some other employees

4. The Fourth Amendment Doesn’t Apply Everywhere

The Fourth Amendment only applies to places where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Courts use a two-part test to determine whether a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy:

  • Did the person expect privacy?
  • Is the person’s expectation reasonable?

For example, because people are generally considered to have an expectation of privacy in a public bathroom stall, if the police filmed illegal activity using a secret camera in the bathroom, this may be an illegal search. However, if the police observed illegal activity being broadcast on the internet by the person committing a crime in a public restroom, that may not be considered an illegal search, because there is no expectation of privacy for a video shared on a public website. If you are unsure whether the police conducted an illegal search of your property, an attorney at Des Moines Injury Law, LLP may be able to help you.

4. The Fourth Amendment Only Applies to Government Employees

Private citizens who are not acting on the behalf of the government are not subject to the Fourth Amendment. For example, private security guards may conduct searches of personal property without obtaining a warrant or having probable cause. If you have a question about the actions of a private security guard, an attorney at Des Moines Injury Law, LLP may be able to help you.

Why hire Des Moines Injury Law, LLP as your civil rights lawyer

There are many important decisions to make when you’re faced with a legal issue. One of the most important things, you can choose the right civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA to represent you. If you need a civil rights lawyer, Des Moines Injury Law, LLP is the firm for you. We have successfully represented clients in civil rights cases throughout the country. We have the experience and knowledge necessary to get the best results for you.

 If you have been wrongfully arrested or detained, you require an experienced civil rights lawyer on your side. At Des Moines Injury Law, LLP we believe in protecting the rights of all people. We are committed to providing excellent legal services and representation to our clients. Our goal is to provide the best possible service and advice while maintaining an affordable fee structure.

You can trust us with your case because we will work hard on your behalf every step of the way. If you’re ever unhappy about anything, let us know so that we can make it right! We want nothing more than for you to be happy with our services and recommend us to others who need help too. When you hire Des Moines Injury Law, LLP as your civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA, you can rest easy knowing that someone has got your back!

As a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA from Des Moines Injury Law, LLP knows, most people understand the concept of Miranda Rights. This is especially true if someone happens to watch a movie or television show depicting law enforcement in action. As Americans, we know that we are entitled to be read certain rights. However, if the officer forgets to recite these rights, it doesn’t mean we are completely off the hook either. If your arresting officer didn’t read them to you as you were placed in handcuffs or questioned, it is something to inform your lawyer immediately.

Where did the Miranda Rights come from?

The Miranda Rights were established after a major supreme court verdict. And while the court never specifically wrote out the phrases to use or the manner in which they are read, the case focused on the importance of:

  • The right to due process
  • The right to refuse answering questions to prevent incrimination
  • The right to trial without delay

Law enforcement is required to inform a person of rights during the arrest, and after. Before questioning an accused individual, police have to notify her or him of:

  • The right to stay silent
  • The right to choose to speak, and that what is said may be used in court
  • The right to have legal representation 
  • The right to have an attorney if you are unable to afford one

What if I didn’t know I was being questioned?

Law enforcement may go to greath length to get the information they need in a manner that isn’t appropriate, or legal. Not only must you be read your rights upon an arrest, but again before any interrogation ensues. Police are required to recite the Miranda Rights in any circumstance where the accused is deprived of their freedom to act in a significant way. If the officer failed to inform you of these rights, the evidence or incriminating information they gathered may not be allowed in trial. 

Who should I contact when at the station?

There is no debating that being arrested can be a scary experience, so you are likely to be shaken up. Of course, you’ll want to contact a close loved one so they can help you get out of the situation or at least pick you up. But it will be equally imperative to contact an Iowa civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, so they can protect you from the start. 

Unfortunately, many people attempt to talk their way out of an arrest during the interrogation process, and make comments that are used against them later in court. If you have a lawyer at your side for questioning, it’ll be easier to prevent incriminating statements versus attempting to undo the damage of what was said. 

Civil rights are an essential set of rights given to United States citizens, granted after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These laws are designed to protect individuals from discrimination, harassment, and other violations based on race, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. If you believe that you have been discriminated against, you have a right to take legal action. A civil rights lawyer can help you with the following types of civil rights violations.

Police Misconduct 

Law enforcement officers can arrest individuals that they believe have been committing criminal activity, based on reasonable suspicion. However, if you believe that an officer has acted unlawfully toward you, you can file a civil rights violation against them. Even if the police think that you have committed a crime you still retain certain rights. It does not excuse them to commit misconduct. An example of this is if a police officer does not inform you of your rights or commits excessive force during an arrest, like striking you with an object while you are already handcuffed. 

Housing Discrimination

Housing discrimination is a problem that many people face. Some landlords prefer to have certain people renting their space, such as those who are more wealthy or are of a certain race. However, this practice is illegal. You cannot be discriminated against if you are applying for housing. I thought you have been discriminated against based on your race, religion, or another part of your identity, a civil rights lawyer for guidance. They can assess your situation and determine if you have a civil rights case. 

Employment Discrimination 

If you suspect that a company has committed employment discrimination, you have a right to file a claim against them. Examples of employment discrimination include not considering you for a promotion based on your gender or firing you because they do not approve of your sexual orientation. A civil rights lawyer can advocate for you in these situations and ensure that you receive the damage you’re entitled to. 

Disability Discrimination 

Institutions and companies must not discriminate against individuals with disabilities, no matter how severe their disability is or whether or not they have a visible disability. As a disabled individual, you have the right to request reasonable accommodations. It is unlawful for a person to deny your right to have a disability-related request granted. If you are seeking legal assistance for a civil rights violation, contact a respected and trusted civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA now, like one from Des Moines Injury Law

As a civil rights lawyer who serves Des Moines, IA residents can explain, civil rights are essential rights that are granted to every citizen in the United States. The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 granted citizens a core set of human rights and liberties, protecting them against abuse by the government and institutions. It prevents discrimination based on race, religion, gender, diability, and sexual orientation. These laws apply to various areas, such as employment, housing and government. If you believe that your rights were violated in any way, you can consult with a seasoned civil rights lawyer like one from Des Moines Injury Law so that you are adequately protected. 

Why should I hire a civil rights lawyer? 

Civil rights cases can be highly complex cases. If you believe that your civil rights have been violated by a government body, business or other institution, consult with a lawyer who has experience handling different civil rights violations. These types of cases can be difficult to fight on your own. You can face penalties if you are not successful in combating your case. For more information, schedule a consultation with a top-rated lawyer so that you can understand your case and your legal rights.

What are examples of civil rights violations? 

There are many kinds of violations against civil rights. A civil rights violation consist of discrimination, unlawful arrest, and wrongful imprisonment. Examples include businesses that deny service based on your sexual orientation, when a police officer mistreats you on the street, or a landlord denying your right to fair housing because of your race. These cases can be challenging and overwhelming to fight, so it is worth hiring a competent lawyer to examine your case and provide you with detailed and helpful legal advice. 

What should I do if I’m under arrest? 

It is crucial that you remember what to do if you are ever arrested. There are basic rights you have if you are approached by a police officer. If you’re under arrest do not panic, remain calm and follow the officer’s instructions. While you can decide to answer their questions, it is much better to stay silent and ask for a lawyer immediately. 

Can I refuse to speak to a police officer?

You have certain rights if you are under threat of detainment by a police officer. Remember your Miranda rights, which include the right to remain silent and refuse to answer any of the police officer’s questions. If you are being arrested, you don’t need to offer any information if you feel that it can be used against you or if you are not sure what information to provide to law enforcement. It is better to wait until you have received legal counsel.  You can wait until you have spoken with a lawyer. Contact a skilled civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, IA right away, such as one from Des Moines Injury Law, so that you can understand your rights and avoid making mistakes that can potentially damage your case. 

Contact Des Moines Injury Law, LLP

As someone who was accused of a crime, it’s no wonder that you are nervous about what to do next. You may be thinking of your loved ones, career, and how you’ll overcome it all. We are here to watch out for your rights and ensure they are not violated, and if they are, that it is exposed. Contact a civil rights lawyer in Des Moines, Iowa from Des Moines Injury Law, LLP now for assistance. 


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