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Veterans Affairs HIPAA Violation Lawyer Des Moines, IA

When you are a veteran and you have experienced a HIPAA breach of trust, you want to know that there is a Veterans Affairs HIPAA violation lawyer in Des Moines, IA you can count on. As a veteran, your expectation to the right of privacy regarding your medical information is not unfounded. The Department of Veterans Affairs should not only be able to provide you with quality healthcare and benefits, but also the ability and capacity to protect your healthcare and personally identifiable information (PII). When there has been a breach of this trust, who can you turn to? You need the help of a Veterans Affairs HIPAA violation lawyer in Des Moines, Iowa from Des Moines Injury Law. When the VA office has created a breach in your private information, you want to ensure that you have an attorney on your side who will fight for your rights and stand by your side when you address this issue.

What Is HIPAA?

HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was passed in 1996. While this act covers many things, it is most popularly known for its privacy and security of information requirements regarding people’s health and personal information.

What Kind Of Information Does HIPAA Protect?

HIPAA protects people’s health information or their PII. Many people are familiar with HIPAA because they are typically required to sign a HIPAA document when they got to a doctor’s office or a hospital. The HIPAA Privacy Rules must be complied with by “covered entities”. These covered entities can be healthcare providers and healthcare plans.

What Rights Do Veterans Have Under HIPAA?

When it comes to veterans’ rights, they have the right under the HIPAA Privacy Rules to insist on a restriction regarding who can use and disclose their personal health information. Additionally, a veteran can also request documents containing their own private healthcare information and even ask for amendments to be made.

How Can A Veterans Affairs HIPAA Violation Lawyer In Des Moines, IA Help?

When you believe there has been a HIPAA breach regarding your personal information, your Des Moines, IA Veterans Affairs HIPAA violation lawyer can help you file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights. Your protected health information should not be compromised, and you should be able to know that there are repercussions when this happens. Your attorney from Des Moines Injury Law can help you with this.

Common Examples Of HIPAA Violations

Below are a few common examples of ways the VA may violate HIPAA rules.

  • Gossiping. Employees at the VA may gossip to their friends or co-workers about a veteran’s personal information.
  • Mishandling of Medical Records. If someone at the VA’s office mishandles documents or leaves a veteran’s personal information or charts out for others to see, this is a violation.
  • Illegal Access. When a VA employee accesses a veteran’s personal information without the proper authorization, this is a HIPAA violation.

Get Help From A Veterans Affairs HIPAA Violation Lawyer Des Moines, IA Veterans Trust

At Des Moines Injury Law, we believe that veterans have the right to privacy and should not be concerned about breaches in this privacy. If you are a veteran who believes they have a case for a HIPAA violation, please reach out to a Des Moines, IA Veterans Affairs HIPAA Violation Lawyer from Des Moines Injury Law today.



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