Elderly Car Accident Lawyer St. Paul, MN
Elderly Car Accident Lawyer St. Paul, MN
When you are an elderly person and have been in a car accident or if your elderly loved one has been the victim in a car accident, you need the help of an elderly car accident lawyer St. Paul, MN relies on from Des Moines Injury Law. Especially when an elderly person is a victim of a car accident, it is much more likely that they will suffer from injuries because of underlying medical conditions. Our car accident lawyer St. Paul, MN offers knows that anyone who is the victim of a car accident would understandably be overwhelmed. However, when you are a senior citizen and you have been injured, you may be even more scared and you may not be sure what kind of legal battle you want to get into. This is where our trusted St. Paul Minnesota elderly car accident lawyer comes in. We are here to fight on your behalf.
Why would an elderly person suffer from more injuries?
When your elderly loved one was injured in a car accident, you may wonder why they are more likely to suffer from injuries. Many elderly people are not in the peak of health and may have underlying health conditions like osteoarthritis that cause them to have weaker bones. When this is the case, it is more likely that they will have a broken or fractured bone after an accident. Similarly, they may be on certain medication that causes them to have thinner blood. If this was the case, an injury that may be minor to a healthier person could cause them to lose too much blood after an accident.
What kind of compensation can an elderly person get after an accident?
Compensation works in much the same way for an elderly victim as it does for someone younger. However, our St. Paul elderly car accident lawyer knows that they will not necessarily need compensation for the same things. For example, not all elderly people have jobs and thus may not need to get compensated for things like lost wages or lost sick days. Similarly, a senior citizen may not have as many people relying on them financially like a younger person might, and this type of compensation would likely be lower as well. However, they can still receive damages for things like emotional distress, medical bills, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and more.
How can a St. Paul elderly car accident lawyer help me or my loved one?
When you or an elderly loved one were injured in a car accident, you need the help of attorneys you can trust. Call the St. Paul, MN elderly car accident lawyer from Des Moines Injury Law now!