Personal Injury Attorney
Des Moines, IA Personal Injury Attorney
You have been seriously injured in an accident that you believe was caused by someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional behavior. The accident was preventable and could have been foreseen if the other party had just been more careful or considerate. Now, you have mounting medical bills, have been unable to go to work and are struggling to take care of yourself and your family.
In a time of crisis like this, it is difficult to think about taking legal action. You likely just want some money to come in so that you can pay your bills and start to feel normal again. Should you hire a Des Moines personal injury attorney, or just hope that your insurance claim will be enough to cover basic expenses?
This is a question that many accident victims wrestle with. Hopefully, the following information will demonstrate why hiring an experienced Des Moines, IA personal injury attorney with Johnston | Martineau, LLP will likely be a wise move on your part. Taking legal action isn’t always easy, but it is often very worth the time and effort invested.
Assistance and Advocacy When You Need It Most
Hiring a Des Moines, IA personal injury attorney often makes the aftermath of an accident easier to deal with almost immediately. Your lawyer can speak to the insurance company on your behalf, contact the at-fault party and his or her insurer, and work with you to coordinate details like medical care and obtaining medical documentation of your injuries. These tasks would be difficult to do on your own even if you were in great health. After an accident, they are much harder.
If You Settle, It Will Likely Be for Significantly More Money
You may be worried about the time, stress and expense of taking your case to trial. Many people in your situation feel the same way. The good news is that most personal injury cases settle out of court, avoiding the need for a trial (and helping you get paid more quickly). If your case settles, it will likely be for more money than you could have gotten on your own. The fact that you have an attorney representing you will make insurers and the at-fault party much more likely to take you seriously and understand that you mean business.
If, for some reason, the case doesn’t settle before trial, your Des Moines, IA personal injury attorney will be ready to fight for you in court.
Contacting an Attorney Comes with No Financial Risk
Iowa personal injury lawyers almost always offer free initial consultations. That means you can discuss your accident and injuries with a lawyer for free, and the attorney will be able to tell you almost immediately whether your case is worth pursuing (based on the likelihood of success).
Moreover, the vast majority of personal injury cases are taken on a contingency basis. This means that the attorney doesn’t get paid for representing you unless he helps you recover money. Most of the time, you pay no money up front, and attorney fees are simply deducted from your settlement or jury award.
The bottom line: Pursuing a personal injury lawsuit is very low risk for you. And the attorney will be honest about your chances of success, because they don’t get paid unless you do.
Contact Us to Learn More
As mentioned above, our firm is pleased to offer free initial consultations for prospective clients. To discuss your legal options with a caring Des Moines, IA personal injury attorney for free, call our office today.