Brain Injury Lawyer Waterloo, IA
Brain injuries are highly complex conditions, and they can be life-changing for victims who suffer from them. A brain injury may have been caused by someone’s recklessness or negligence, in which we suggest speaking with our team about a potential case. You may be owed compensation from the at fault individual, company, or other party for your damages and losses. Our Waterloo, IA brain injury lawyer knows that these injuries can cause victims and their relatives significant distress. Medical bills can quickly add up and you may be worried about health and financial recovery. We urge you to contact Des Moines Injury Law if your injury was caused by an at fault party. We are ready to consult with you.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Any injury or trauma to the head that interferes with normal brain function is considered a traumatic brain injury. This condition can be mild, moderate, or severe. For instance, mild TBIs, or concussion, can happen from a bump or sudden blow to the head. Concussions are not life-threatening, but can cause fatigue, headaches, and temporary loss of consciousness. Moderate to severe TBIs can happen from head jolts or blows, but can involve penetrative wounds. Symptoms can include mood changes, cognitive impairment, balance problems, coma, and more. If the victim is in a coma, they are not able to move, speak, carry out basic functions on their own, or respond to commands.
The Accident Aftermath
Traumatic brain injuries can happen because of an at fault party. In these situations, it is wise to consult with our dedicated brain injury attorney about seeking compensation from the offending party. You may be owed payment for medical bills, loss of wages, diminished earning capacity, rehabilitation, surgery, hospitalization, property damage, and future care needs. A person who sustained a traumatic brain injury may need assistance for the rest of their life. Examples of accidents that can cause brain injuries are listed as follows:
- Workplace accidents
- Construction accidents
- Pedestrian accident
- Birth injuries
- Bicycle accidents
- Car accidents
- Slip and fall
- Motorcycle accidents
- Truck accidents
- Product defects
- Rideshare accident
Des Moines Injury Law
If you or a loved one recently suffered from a brain injury because of another person’s fault, we recommend consulting with our team at Des Moines Injury Law as soon as you can. Once we hear more about what has happened, we can offer you individualized guidance. We understand that you are probably going through a very difficult time and need support in seeking compensation for all that has transpired. You can rely on our Waterloo brain injury attorney to get you through. We can handle tasks such as investigate into the accident, talk with witnesses, negotiate with insurance companies, initiate a lawsuit against the responsible person or party, and ultimately protect your best interests. We are here to advocate for you.
A brain injury can happen after an accident or trauma. These types of head injuries tend to be severe and can result in permanent disability or fatality. Suffering from a brain injury, particularly when someone’s negligence caused the incident, can be traumatizing. There are mental and physical ramifications for a brain injury, where victims may face a long and expensive path to recovery. For some, they may not be able to return to the health they had before the accident. Our Waterloo, IA brain injury lawyer understands what you are going through and will do everything in our power to see that you receive compensation. Our team at Des Moines Injury Law is prepared to take on your case. Please contact us today to get started.
Reasons For Brain Injuries
Brain injuries can happen in many ways. When it comes to taking legal action, if someone is at fault for why a brain injury was caused, then it is worth speaking with a legal team about compensation. Victims may be owed restitution for their injury treatment, rehabilitation, surgery, hospitalization, loss of income, and other losses. After our dedicated brain injury attorney consults with you further, we can let you know if you have grounds for a legal case against the offending party. Examples of incidents that can result in victims suffering from brain injuries include:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Slip and falls
- Assault
- Being hit by an object
- Workplace accidents
- Medical malpractice
- Birth injury
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- And more
Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms
If you were involved in an accident that was caused by another’s recklessness or negligence, then it is time to talk with a lawyer. If you were part of an accident and suspect that you could have a brain injury, it is vital that you go to the nearest hospital immediately for care or call for an ambulance. If you or a relative is exhibiting any of the following symptoms, please seek medical attention right away:
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Losing consciousness
- Persistent headaches
- Personality or behavior changes
- Slurred speech
- Sleeping too little or too much
- Difficulty concentrating
- Confusion, agitation, restlessness
- Ringing in ears
- Fluid draining from nose or ears
- Unbalanced equilibrium
- Sensitivity to light or sound
Des Moines Injury Law
Victims who have suffered physically and financially because of a careless party are strongly advised to meet with our IA brain injury attorney. Our legal team can help you seek compensation for all you have been through. At Des Moines Injury Law, Christopher Martineau, Christopher Johnston, and Jason Yates are all Attorneys at Law who can work relentlessly for justice to be found and fair compensation to be provided. We know that brain injury accidents can leave victims and their family in a state of emotional turmoil. You did not deserve to have your health and life affected because another person or party chose to be thoughtless in their actions. We are available to consult with you further and then take the lead on your case. Let us handle the legal aspect so you can prioritize your health and family at this time. We are prepared to offer counsel to you today.