Dog Bite Lawyer Waterloo, IA
Many dogs go their entire lives without biting a person or someone else’s pet and are a friendly joy to be around. But, even the friendliest dog is still an animal, with an animal’s instincts to bite and snap if it feels its resources are threatened or territory is being invaded. Iowa views dogs as property and requires owners to maintain control over their animals at all times. This means that a dog owner can be held liable for the damage their dog does, including medical treatment for the victim of a dog bite victim and other losses they suffered. If you were bitten by a dog, a Waterloo, IA dog bite lawyer can explain your rights and options to get the compensation you deserve.
Dog bite claims can quickly become contentious, as the Des Moines Injury Law attorneys know very well. We have solid experience handling these personal injury claims and understand what’s necessary to achieve the best outcome for your case. We offer a complimentary consultation, so please call us today to discuss your matter.
How Can A Waterloo Dog Bite Lawyer Help Me?
Dog bite lawyers represent victims like you, who suffered a dog attack, bite, or mauling. The truth is, some dogs are vicious, some are reactive to the point of being dangerous, and some owners may not exercise the proper control to prevent their animals from doing harm.
Iowa follows a strict liability law for dog bite cases, meaning that if the dog bites, worries, maims, or even kills someone, even if it has never bitten or shown aggression before, the owner is liable. You have the right to demand full coverage of your medical treatment, including psychological care for PTSD or other emotional trauma brought on by the attack, lost wages if you missed work, property damage (like if you dropped your phone during the attack), and the pain and suffering of your injures. Dog bites are difficult to suture, the infection risk is high, and many victims have lasting nerve damage or limited mobility even after the scars fade. We fight for full and fair compensation for all your losses.
Complexities In Dog Bite Cases
One benefit of hiring an experienced dog bite injury attorney is that we provide a layer of protection, shielding you from the dog’s owner and their lawyer. We speak on your behalf in court, when negotiating with the insurance company and can respond to all legal matters for you. It’s not unusual for a dog bite victim to be bullied or harassed for speaking up and requesting their rightful compensation; we want to make sure that you can heal peacefully while your claim progresses.
There is also the possibility of complications after a dog bite. Your settlement should cover current and future medical needs. We often use economic experts and medical expert witnesses to quantify these needs as part of our case-building to ensure that you receive the highest possible settlement.
Our Experienced Attorneys Want To Help You!
You may feel isolated and afraid after a dog bite. Let the legal team at Des Moines Injury Law help you get the money you need to pay for quality medical treatment and move forward after the attack. We have extensive resources to advocate for you. You can learn more in your free consultation with a Waterloo dog bite lawyer.