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Common Causes of Car Accidents

Posted December 17, 2024 in Uncategorized

Crashing your car on the way to work is not the best way to start your day. It may set the tone for days and even months to come depending on the severity of the incident. While some accidents are inconvenient, others are downright life-threatening. You may find yourself the cause of the crash or just a victim of circumstance. To help prevent you from becoming a statistic, it never hurts to brush up on some of the most common causes of crashes so you can do your part to avoid perpetuating them.

Driving Distracted

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the growing number of distractions drivers face. The rise in smartphone use has been the most common culprit, but the practice has gone on for many years. Cellphones aren’t the only thing that can take a driver’s attention away from the road. Radios, passengers, pets and even eating can all serve as distractions. The campaign to end distracted driving is intensifying in the face of the fact that it is the number one cause of vehicle crashes. Moreover, there are also reasons for distracted driving that should be accounted for.  One of the strongest examples of this, pertains to texting and driving on the road. Being on the road and on the phone can be dangerous, especially on a busy road.

Driving Under the Influence

Drunk driving is a criminal offense, and in some cases, the punishment is quite severe. Deciding to operate a vehicle after a few drinks is more than just reckless: It is deadly. Drunk or buzzed driving is responsible for half of all fatal crashes. When enjoying adult beverages, the safest practice is to always designate a non-drinker to drive home or call a cab. Driving under the influence is also dangerous, because the person is also putting other people at risk as well.  Moreover, people who get into a car with a driver that they know is drunk, can cause them to be held accountable as well.

Excessive Speed

Everyone has been late at one time or another, and making a choice to speed can end badly for you and others. However, this is highly risky and the consequences can be disastrous. Too many drivers overestimate their ability to control a vehicle at high speeds. Speeding may lead to the loss of vehicle control resulting in a crash. When this happens around other cars, it may mean impacting others. Speeding can also make it harder to stop without striking the vehicle ahead. Depending on the other circumstances, this may cause a chain reaction with other vehicles crashing behind you.

Weather Conditions

Driving takes on a whole new level of difficulty when Mother Nature decides to act up. Weather conditions, like rain, sleet and snow make seeing and maintaining control difficult. When the road gets a layer of ice, it can mean the tires can no longer get a good grip. Learning how to drive in these conditions is essential.

There are many ways vehicles may crash. When you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a collision, a Des Moines auto accident lawyer may be your best way to go to ensure you are covered.


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