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Proving Asbestos Exposure

Posted April 01, 2024 in Uncategorized

When a person is exposed to asbestos, it can take decades before signs of asbestos-related diseases start to present themselves. You will need to seek advice from a medical professional in order to receive a diagnosis. Your doctor will likely run a series of tests depending on your symptoms. You will probably have to undergo testing that may include: physical exams, X-Rays, pulmonary function tests (PFT), and biopsies. Because it can take a long time before asbestos victims discover the illnesses, the statute of limitations will not start until a person is diagnosed.

Another important factor will include proving that you were exposed to asbestos. Depending on how and where you were exposed, there may be some research required in order to gather this information. This is a process that each mesothelioma lawyer Des Moines, IA clients recommend from Des Moines Injury Law is all too familiar with.

Taking Care of Yourself After Exposure

If you were exposed to asbestos, illnesses related to exposure can take many years to present themselves. Knowing that you were exposed to asbestos can be hard to deal with. Although this is something beyond your control, there are steps you can take to stay ahead of any potential illnesses.

It will be important that you regularly work with your doctor so that symptoms can be managed effectively and efficiently. You will also need to stay attuned to your health by paying attention to any new symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The longer diseases such as mesothelioma or lung cancer go undetected, the fewer treatment options there will be available.

Collecting Damages

If you are an asbestos victim, you may be able to collect compensation for the asbestos-related disease that you suffer from. It’s probable that you financially suffered as a result of your diagnosis. Depending on the stage of cancer you have, your medical bills could vary. A mesothelioma lawyer Des Moines, IA locals depend on can explain what damages you can pursue, but, in general, the following are the types of damages asbestos victims may be entitled to:

  • Lost wages
  • Past and future medical care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral expenses
  • Any other expenses you receive due to your illness

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