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The Emotional Effects of a Car Accident

Posted November 30, 2022 in Uncategorized

When many people think about car accidents, they imagine physical injuries, like broken bones, head injuries and whiplash. However, being in a car accident can also result in emotional distress. A vehicle collision is a very traumatic event and can cause some victims to feel many different emotions afterward. Here are some of the most common emotional effects of a car accident:

Anxiety and Fear

A car accident is a very terrifying event, so it’s natural to experience anxiety and fear afterward. You may worry all the time, have trouble sleeping at night and find it difficult to concentrate on your tasks. You may even be reluctant to get into a vehicle again because you’re afraid of getting into another accident. There are several ways you can reduce your anxiety, such as talking to trusted friends and family members about your feelings, exercising regularly and doing relaxation techniques, like yoga or meditation. If you are suffering from anxiety after your accident, calling a car accident law firm Des Moines, Iowa trusts can help you get compensation for any counseling you may need going forward.


It’s also common for people to experience shock for several days after a car accident. They just can’t believe this traumatic event occurred and may feel numb and have mood swings. Fortunately, most cases of shock dissipates after a few days.


If the car accident you were in was caused by a negligent driver, it’s normal to feel anger. You’re angry that you’re dealing with injuries because the other driver wasn’t more careful. When you feel this amount of anger, it’s easy to take it out on your loved ones. You may become irritated with them for no reason and yell at them. To avoid damaging your personal relationships, take steps to deal with your anger. Write in a journal, take deep breaths and exercise often. If you’re feeling angry and may something you will regret later, just walk out of the room until you calm down. Working with a car accident law firm in Des Moines, IA to mitigate your case can also be helpful as you navigate your feelings of anger.


Some people also go through depression after a car accident. They may blame themselves for the accident and beat themselves up for not being able to prevent it. Depression can lead to hopelessness, mood swings and loss of interest in activities. They may also isolate themselves from their family and friends avoid social gatherings. If you’re going through depression, you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to your family and friends or support or seek professional therapy.

Getting Compensation for Emotional Injuries

If you have suffered emotional injuries from a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. It’s important to schedule an appointment with the car accident law firm Des Moines, Iowa relies on as soon as possible to discuss your options. We can assess your case and determine if you’re eligible to receive emotional distress damages. Your attorney can help you gather evidence, identify key witnesses, negotiate with insurance companies and represent you in court. With a skilled Des Moines, IA car accident law firm on your side, you will feel better about your situation.

Let a Des Moines, IA Car Accident Law Firm Help

Work with an exceptional car accident lawyer Des Moines, IA victims depend on. Call us for a free consultation and to find out how we can help get you the compensation you deserve. Our Des Moines, IA car accident law firm offers free initial consultations, so there is no risk to setting up a meeting. Call today!


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