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Des Moines Injury Lawyer

Cases We Handle

Cases Our Des Moines Personal Injury Attorneys Handle

Contact a Des Moines, Iowa personal injury attorney today! Email for a free consultation or call 515.493.HURT


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“We are Des Moines Injury”. We believe that simple sentence says it all – from our Des Moines office, our lawyers only represent people who have been injured by others. We never represent insurance companies, product manufacturers, or other businesses. Simply put, we are good lawyers helping good Iowans who have been injured.

We pride ourselves on providing top-notch legal services in a way that is easy to understand. We are accessible to our clients and happily make house calls across the state.

Our experienced lawyers have successfully represented injured people across the country. We have handled cases ranging from the seemingly simple car accident up through, and including, wrongful death cases and everything in between.

If you have been injured, call us today at 515.493.HURT or EMAIL for a free consultation.


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(515) 495-6316

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